Integration and Healing, energy healing, alternative health


So much has happened this year.  So many things occurred that were difficult, sad or worrisome.  At times, it’s hard to catch our breath.  As one client told me:  “I just want to stay in bed, pull the covers over my head, and stay there until the world wakes up.”

I’ve had those moments too.  But one thing I’ve learned from working with energy is that what happens in the moment is just a wave passing through.  There are always other waves that follow, each one different.
So I practice seeing the events that move through my life as a wave.  And let it pass through.

Try this:   Imagine yourself standing on a white sandy beach at the ocean’s edge….in Hawaii perhaps.
A gentle breeze blows against your skin as your ankles are washed by the waves coming to shore.
Again and again, the waves come and go…and you are still there.  Tiny fish approach and swim away….
and you are still there.  Birds fly overhead.  You can smell salt in the air.  Clouds come and go….
and you are still there.  Rainbows appear….and you are still there, feeling your feet in the sand
and your ankles in the water.


Because amidst all the distress, underneath it all, there is still a place inside each of us where everything is okay.
Well-being is not just a word, it’s an experience we can tap into at any time.  It runs deep and protects us like a fortress.
Connecting to it feels wonderful and full.  It opens our heart.

Imagine yourself in your favorite place.  See and feel yourself surrounded by your favorite sights
or sounds or colors.  Perhaps a special animal sits by you.  Perhaps someone you love is there.
See the sun or the stars twinkling through the trees, bathing you in delight.  Breathe it in.  Relax
and exhale everything else out.  Just keep allowing yourself to feel good in that moment.
Appreciate the experience. Let it go deeper and deeper until you fill up to the brim with
gratitude and joy. 

Because even in the darkest of times, there are moments of light.  There are inspirations that show us that
life is still possible.  Love is still possible.  Healing is still possible.  Goodness is still possible.

These are the best gifts to give ourselves:  moments that make us glad to be ALIVE.