Integration and Healing, energy healing, alternative health




2020 has been a year like none other.  Whether due to the pandemic, to widespread economic instability or global unrest, our day- to-day existence has been turned upside down.   It is a rare individual who has been untouched by these events.

As devastating as this year has been for some individuals, it has also given humanity an opportunity to grow.  Our collective eyes are opening to change at a global level.  It is as if the heavens are saying to planet earth:    Time to wake up now.  Rise and shine.

Can societies embrace that change, and find new ways to work, to play, to connect?  Those that can will adapt and grow stronger.  And the journey to that transformation begins here, within each of us.  With you.   With me.  Everywhere.

Seeing this year in terms of transformation broadens our context.  It allows us to consider new horizons and possibilities.  But for each person, how that transformation takes place can be rough. It is not always an easy path.

Do you remember learning to sit up, to stand, to walk?   What was it like to balance on your feet for the first time?  Imagine taking that first step with nothing to hold onto but the air.   People around you were helping, but you did that all by yourself.  How many times did you lose your balance and land on your bum?  But you kept trying to stand, to take that next step.  One step became another, and off you went, exploring your world.

Humanity is at that place right now, with each of us learning these new first steps…a new way of being alive and walking in this world.  It can be scary.  It can sometimes feel that you are only surrounded by air.   But there are helpers nearby, and you do have tools.





Here are a few tips:

  • If you wake up feeling alone or down, allow the experience. Let the emotions move through you so that you do not bottle them up or swallow them.  Give yourself a half hour (or whatever you need) to acknowledge the truth of what you feel.  Cry if you need to, stomp your feet if you want to.  Honestly allow your emotion.  The emotion is a passing wave that is your response to what is happening in your life.  When you allow the emotion consciously, you understand more about what is happening in your life.  You are more awake.
  • After the waves of emotion have moved through, take a moment to see what was underneath that experience. What experience are you actually missing?  Look underneath the habit…not just “I miss shopping …..” but what is it about shopping that gives you joy?   See if there are other ways to give yourself that boost.
  • Create an anchor for yourself.   In times of deep stress and change, sometimes having one calming routine or habit can be a moment of refuge.   A morning cup of tea in your favorite ceramic can be such a moment.  Or brushing your hair, shaving, washing your face.   Pick a small routine and take pleasure in it.          
  • Give yourself permission to mess up. Some days you may not feel like doing your self-care regimen.   It’s okay….not the end of the world.  Take the day off and enjoy it.  You can resume your practice with tomorrow’s sunrise or on the weekend.
  • Sometimes what you are feeling is not just your experience. When many people are going through stress and change, the energies of their bottled up worries and fears can sometimes feel like storm clouds around you.   Remember to think outside the box.  Is your experience only your personal lens, or are you feeling through the lens of the world right now?  (see next bullet)
  • Stay as grounded and centered as you can.  Nature is one of your BIGGEST and STRONGEST assets.   The sounds of birds, humming bees, the smell of grass in the rain, the waves on the shore.     Music.  Dance.  Play.  Art.  Energy ALIVE.  Quantum-Touch.  All these experiences feed your well-being and make your home wherever you happen to be:  a place of refuge and welcome.

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