Integration and Healing, energy healing, alternative health


Hawaiian protea - symbol of joy amidst the green

Humans have a super power, did you know?  Inside each of us is an unlimited source of energy that gives us fuel and motivation every day.  It lifts us up….takes away our burdens. Strain and stress melt away, and deep inside, our bodies start to relax.

The super power is inside your heart and the feelings activated when heart is present in your life:  feelings like gratitude, appreciation….a sense of purpose or compassion.

Anything that lights you up from inside out and makes you want to smile.

When you connect to these emotions, you tap into deeper parts of yourself.  The mental scramble of your thoughts takes a back seat, allowing your true self to emerge.  You experience more of who you are and how you want to live.  You can feel it tangibly.  It shines out of your eyes, your body relaxes, and it is easier to breathe.

Delight is another way your heart communicates.  Try looking at the world through the eyes of a child — filled with wonder.  It opens your mind to what more is possible, expands your horizons and your beliefs.

Ten minutes of this experience can fuel your whole day.  You’ll feel alert, relaxed, supported by what you love.

But what happens when your day feels empty of heart?  Everyone has days where they need to do what is required but not wanted.  For some people, paying taxes or balancing their finances falls into this category.  For others, social events are problematic.  When the tasks on your to-do list drain, exhaust or worry you, how do you sustain your joy then?

I make a Joy Sandwich.  

This is a technique from the new DRAWING THE LINE class, and I use it often to help get me through rough days.

When my schedule is filled with tasks or people that feel draining, I surround those tasks with items that give me joy…..a joy sandwich.

I might….

  • listen to my favorite audio book between appointments
  • play music that relaxes me
  • notice nature around me
  • sit quietly or meditate for ten minutes under a tree
  • draw a mandala or play with clay
  • create something
  • nap, sing, dance, whirl
  • sit in a playground and swing
  • do an Energy ALIVE technique that clears my stress

There are thousands of ideas and inspirations available if you open your mind to the possibilities.   All it takes is ten minutes.
Ten minutes of joy can fuel hours of work when your heart is engaged, and you are feeling the excitement of what you love to do.

So schedule your joys into your day along with all the other tasks you have to complete.  You’ll be happier, more productive and ALIVE.